Window Tie-Backs

Tassels, Hooks, Magnets, and Wall Mounts: How To Choose Curtain Tie-Backs

Curtain tie-backs are decorative opportunities for designers and people looking to decorate windows in their homes. The number of options and styles allow for a personalised touch. Should you wish to change a room's appearance, you can simply choose a new tie-back that enhances different window attributes. Whether you are looking to refresh older curtains or if you are interested in purchasing formal tie-backs, there are various new and pre-owned options that you can find on eBay.

How to decide the height of curtain tie-backs

There is no one way to position beautiful curtain tie-backs, but here are a few tips for positioning any tie-backs that you purchase on eBay:

  • High ceilings: Window panels are placed close to the top of high ceilings in order to highlight ceiling height. In this scenario, place curtain tie-backs at 1/3 of the height of the panel. This creates an elegant arc.
  • Low ceilings: Curtain tie-backs can also function as a way to lengthen ceiling height. In these situations, place curtain tie-backs 1/3 from the bottom of the drapery.
  • Sunny windows: In such situations, place curtain ties in easy-to-reach places. Cant them toward the floor in even angles with the high end closest to the window frame.
  • Heavy curtains: Formal, heavy curtains benefit from high placement and secure wall mounts. However, ensure the curtain has enough slack to fold slightly in on itself to prevent a severe appearance.
How do you decide between a wall mount or a free-standing curtain tie-back?

Formal curtains tend to be heavy and are often complemented with tie-backs that enhance the fabric's design or complement its style. Heavy curtains with highly decorated tie-backs featuring crystals, tassels, balls, or silk cords are typically paired with wall mounts.

Informal spaces require a bit more light control and, therefore, require easy-to-manipulate curtain tie-backs. Materials like voile, window clips, and buckles are found frequently in informal tie-backs for curtains.

Magnetic tie-backs for heavy curtains feature front clasps that snap in place. You may spot them in window treatments featuring long curtains placed at even intervals along a bank of windows. The magnetic tie-backs bind the curtains mid-length and allow plentiful amounts of light to enter the space.

Benefits of buying used tie-backs for curtains

Curtain ties provide a decorative touch, especially in formal areas where the tie-backs are kept in place to maintain an air of elegance. Many tassel curtain tie-backs have remained in place for generations. Buy tie-backs in gently used condition to take advantage of vintage styles or high-quality materials, like silk or precious metal rosettes, for reasonable prices.