Vexilar Fishfinders


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Vexilar Fishfinders

Vexilar fishfinders provide you with the means of searching for and locating fish when out on your boat. These Vexilar fishfinders are equipped with a wide array of features, such as chart-plotting capabilities, sonar, and full GPS functionality. They also have many different screen size options for you to select from, extending from under 2 inches to around 12 inches.

What are some features available with these Vexilar fishfinders?

These Vexilar fishfinders come equipped with a large number of different features for you to choose from, such as chart-plotting capabilities that help you display an array of information that could prove useful during your fishing expedition. Any fishfinder with chart-plotting capabilities is also outfitted with GPS functionality in order to ensure that you can note the speed and position of your ship. Many of these systems come with a back-light that allows the information on the screen to be visible during low-light conditions, while the majority of these Vexilar devices are also equipped with color displays that help you differentiate between each piece of information by different colors.

What are the different fishfinder types?

Some of the additional features provided to you with these systems include a depth indicator, a depth alarm, and water temperature readings. Some units come with wireless functionality as well as networking capabilities that provide you with the means of hooking up to the internet in order to obtain up-to-date charts or maps within the system.

What does the frequency of a fishfinder refer to?

There are a wide range of different fishfinder types available for you to select from, including handheld systems as well as systems that come with transducers.

  • Handheld system: These are portable systems that are designed to be completely wireless and provide you with essential features in a compact form. Some of the primary features provided with these systems include a side-scanable sonar sensor, sensitivity settings that allow you to gather more precise readings, and the ability to find clear readings up to 100 feet or so.
  • System with transducer: This type of system includes technology that sends pings into the ocean as a means of displaying information on the fishfinder screen.
  • Underwater camera: This is a system that comes with an underwater camera that you can use to capture photos and imagery of the fish that may be swimming below your boat.
  • Mounting hardware: This is the specific hardware that you need to mount the fishfinder directly to your boat.

Most systems provide you with two types of frequencies that will help you when searching for fish, including a low frequency and a high frequency. A low frequency provides you with a large cone that goes deep into the ocean below, although the details may be somewhat hazy about what type of fish are down there. High frequency ultrasounds are shorter in depth and narrower, but the readings provided supposed to be more precise and detailed.

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