Sub-Zero Refrigerators


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Keep Your Food and Beverages Cold With a Sub-Zero Refrigerator

When you want to have that ice cold drink on a hot day or when you're planning a get-together and have a lot of food to prepare, you want to be sure that you can count on your refrigerator. Sub-Zero makes a number of affordable fridges, and they come in various sizes so that you can find one that fits your kitchen layout.

What are the main types of fridges?

You can find many types of fridge and freezer systems, including:

  • Stand-alone units: A stand-alone unit typically includes both a freezer a fridge, in a side-by-side or over-and-under configuration.
  • Built-in units: These refrigerators come in a variety of sizes, and any of these varieties is designed to blend in with the kitchen. Stainless steel is a classic look for these units. They can also come ready to have a panel placed on their front doors so that they can be made to match the cabinets. They could be side-by-side or over-and-under, or they could have a french door set up.
  • Integrated units: An integrated fridge and freezer blends in with your other cabinets and drawers since these models have no visible hinges or grilles.

Are there other options for cold storage?

There are more products that may offer greater flexibility in terms of layout. Undercounter refrigerators, freezers, and beverage centers can be placed almost anywhere you'd like. You can put a refrigerator drawer in an entertainment area, in an outdoor kitchen, or in a bedroom suite so that people can easily access food and drink. The refrigeration units can either come in one piece, as you would find in a compact refrigerator, or in multiple components if you put in individual drawers. Either type could come with ice makers and built-in storage options.

What is the temperature control system like in these appliances?

Fridges and freezers not only control the interior temperatures but they can also control the humidity levels as well as the freshness of the air inside the appliance. Certain coolers have built-in air purification systems that work to remove unwanted particles.

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