Sigma Art f/1.4 Lenses for Canon Cameras

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Getting Creative With a Sigma Art f/1.4 Lens For Your Canon Camera

Whether you're looking for a macro lens or a telephoto lens, the Sigma Art collection has something to offer. Sigma offers many lenses that are compatible with Canon cameras, with varying apertures and focal ranges. Some of the most popular lenses from the Art lineup use a maximum aperture of f/1.4, which produces photographs with high image quality.

What Makes a Sigma Art Lens Unique?

Sigma introduced the Sigma Art line to fill a specific need. These multi-layer lenses can fit any Canon DSLR if they use the Canon mount.

  • Sigma designs these Sigma lenses to emphasize creative expression above all else. While many other Sigma Canon lenses are about convenience or multi-functionality, these lenses are mostly prime lenses, or zoom lenses with small focal ranges, designed to capture high-contrast shots with lots of background bokeh, all while minimizing distortion.
  • The first Sigma Art lens to hit the market was the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM lens. This prime lens made sharp portraits with a lot of pop, and inaugurated the Art lineup.

What's So Special About f/1.4?

The demarcation f/1.4 refers to the maximum aperture the lens is capable of achieving. This is important for several reasons.

  • It's important to consider the aperture value or aperture range when composing your shot. Aperture must balance with shutter speed and ISO in order to create a well-lit shot that does not have any black areas (intense shadows) or white areas (overblown highlights). Photographers refer to these three components as the exposure triangle.
  • A wide aperture, with an F-stop like f/1.4, means your lens is able to let in more light, allowing you to have a lower ISO number, which makes for a sharper, less grainy image and a higher shutter speed, which reduces motion blur and gives you that crisp look.
  • An aperture at the f/1.4 range also has a large impact on the perceived depth of field of an image. In this range, photos have a high depth of field, which means there is an emphasis on the focal point of a shot, with an out-of-focus background.

Which Sigma Art Lens Should I Get?

There are a few options to choose from when selecting which autofocus Sigma f/1.4 art lens is right for your Canon camera.

  • One option is the 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM lens. This large-aperture lens is ideal for taking shots that are a bit farther away than when using your typical portrait lens. This extra focal range allows you to achieve the telephoto effect of flattening the foreground and background, which you can leverage to great artistic effect.
  • Another possibility is the 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM. This ultra-wide lens has a much shorter focal length than the previous lens mentioned. This is what makes this lens a wide-angle lens, without being a fish-eye, meaning you can capture a large amount of your subject matter within your frame, all while adding a bit of an aspherical element. This is a great lens for those who like to get up close and personal with their subject.

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