Rolleiflex TLR Film Cameras

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Take Memorable Shots with a Rolleiflex TLR Film Camera

One way to capture photos with an antique effect is to take your shots using a Rolleiflex film camera. For photography buffs, using these are a fun way to create a vintage-looking photo. These cameras, which first arrived on the scene in 1929 and stayed in production until the 1980s, also made a comeback from 2002-2015.

What photographers would use a Rolleiflex TLR film camera?

Any student aspiring to develop a career in photography might enjoy using a Rolleiflex film camera. Filmmakers who need historical city streets or wartime footage in their reels also might benefit from the vintage feel of the still shots taken with this brand of camera. Black and white photographers also could use one for composing family portraits, wedding pictures, and model headshots.

What Rolleiflex camera features stand out the most?

Its compact size for this type of professional camera makes it useful for creativity if you frequently travel to multiple photo sites within a short period. This camera's weight also makes it portable enough especially with the use of a waistband that comes with some models. Select Rolleiflex cameras are also known for these features:

  • 7.5mm focal length lenses: This is one attribute of twin-lens reflex (TLR) cameras that makes it light enough to carry when capturing people walking, cars moving, or people bustling in a downtown location. You can use this lens to add chance public encounters to your repertoire of new scene photos.
  • Manual film advance crank: One turn of this automatically activates the exposure counter while it sets the 12- or 24-exposure film spacing and tensions the shutter.
  • Photo effects using attached accessories: A panorama head, sunshade, and parallax corrected close-up lenses name a few.
  • A variety of photo filters: Some often used by photographers include color transparency and negative, contrast enhancing, and color correction films.
  • External flashbulbs: People who used film cameras before digital ones came with built-in lights are familiar with these. They provide for creativity during times when you want shots to look like that of a news reporter.
Are parts still available for used Rolleiflex TLR film cameras?

Some used cameras might be more than 30 years old, and some might be about 100 years old. Still, you may find parts for new and used models searching by your device's model number if you already own one. You usually can find information in item descriptions when looking for accessories for your vintage device.