Key Blanks para Mercedes-Benz 380SL

Mercedes-Benz 380SL Key Blanks

Your Mercedes-Benz 380SL comes with keys for the ignition and the locks. Purchasing key blanks for this convertible will give you the option to have spare keys or an extra set of key in case you lose the original ones. Learning about whats available makes it easier to get the right parts for your roadster.

What are key blanks?

Key blanks are identified as such because the blade hasnt been cut out of it yet. A blank can be used by any Mercedes-Benz 380SL to cut out unique set of keys for the specific vehicle.

What are some of the different features of key blanks?

You will find that there are many features available for SL key blanks.

  • Mercedes-Benz logo on key
  • Retractable design
  • Keyless entry fob
  • Plastic handle on bow
  • Key blank with no bow for remote models
How does an SL key fob work?

A key fob is a remote control that works with the key of the Mercedes-Benz 380SL to provide you with keyless entry. There is a transmitter in the key that sends out a shortwave radio frequency signal to the receiving unit in the cars interior. Depending on the button, the receiving unit will carry out the command, such as to lock or unlock the door. When you have a key fob with the blank, it needs to be programmed to your car. This is often done by following a specific sequence of instructions while inside the vehicle.

How is a key cut for the SL roadster?

A key is cut using a special machine that grinds the metal on the key blade. Often, an existing key serves as the template to ensure that the new key being cut will be able to turn the ignition cylinder. Once the metal is ground, the sharp edges are then buffed. If no existing key can serve as a template, the cylinder itself might need to be replaced at the same time.

How do you buy a key blank for your 380SL?

Buying a key blank for your Mercedes-Benz 380SL involves reviewing a few details. It will make it easier for you to obtain the right key that is needed for your car.

  • Model specifics: Be specific about the model year and trim level to get the right key.
  • Features: Identify the features you want in a key blank.
  • OEM or aftermarket: Choose a genuine Mercedes-Benz part or an aftermarket one.
  • Quantity: Obtain multiple key blanks so that you have spares on hand.