Harry Potter Costumes

Make Magic at Halloween With Harry Potter Fancy Dress

Whether you're going to carnival, Halloween, or a dressing up party, you can add a touch of magic with Harry Potter costumes. On eBay, you'll find a selection of Harry Potter fancy dress for adults and children. Go for the complete Hogwarts look with a gown, glasses, and wand, or keep it subtle and simple with your favourite House tie.

Putting together an adult Harry Potter costume

Harry Potter costume parties have become increasingly trendy, and it looks like they're here to stay. If you want to look like you've just stepped off the Hogwarts Express, you'll need a white shirt, black trousers or skirt, and a black gown with the school crest. Accessorise with a scarf or tie in your House colors, and your adult Harry Potter fancy dress will be ready to hit the town.

  • If you see yourself living alongside Harry, Ron and Hermione, Gryffindor colors are red and gold.
  • For the brainiacs among us, Ravenclaw colors are blue and bronze.
  • If you want to get in touch with your dark side, choose green and silver for Slytherin.
  • Cheerful and friendly Hufflepuffs need accessories in yellow and black.
Dressing up as your favourite Harry Potter character

If you want to put together an outfit inspired by a specific character, not just a general Hogwarts student, you'll find a few options. Long, flowing robes are a great choice to look like one of the teachers at Hogwarts. Remember, many of JK Rowling's characters have distinctive hairstyles and facial hair, so a wig can give you the perfect Harry Potter costume. Look for a long white beard if you're inspired by Dumbledore, or go wild and curly for Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry himself will need round glasses and a scar on the forehead. Whether you're into serious Harry Potter cosplay or just a bit of fun, these details can make all the difference.

Are there Harry Potter costumes for all ages?

Of course. Children, teens and adults all enjoy dressing up as Harry Potter and his friends. For a children's Harry Potter costume, there are plenty of fun toys that can serve as accessories. Look for wands and broomsticks to really pull the costume together.

What's the easiest way to dress up as Harry Potter?

If you've got no time or you're on a serious budget, then keep it simple. Go for a white shirt and black blazer - dig out your old school uniform, if you need to - and just opt for a tie in house colors. The great thing about Harry Potter costumes is that they are instantly recognisable, and even a small effort can go a long way.