Tapetes e carpetes para Tesla S

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Floor Mats and Carpets for Tesla S

The Tesla Model S has been in production since 2012 and is the luxury option for anyone looking to embrace the electric vehicle revolution. The Model S, as a luxury vehicle, has an interior carpet that has a fairly lush density, which means that floor mats are a good option for those who want to protect this interior feature. Floor mats are designed to be used in the front and back seats of the Tesla S so that you can experience extended protection of your vehicle flooring.

Can non-model specific floor mats work for the Model S?

While the Model S does provide a unique luxury experience, you don’t always have to purchase floor mats that have been specifically designed for this electric vehicle. As long as there is coverage for the carpet of your Tesla, you should be fine.

Additionally, OEM mats are designed specifically for the vehicle, so you can expect a high level of flooring and carpet coverage with this type. Both types of mats are there to protect and maintain the interior of your Model S.

How much weather protection can mats provide a Tesla carpet?

While not every floor mat is an all-weather mat, like those from WeatherTech, most mats will protect the Tesla carpet from at least a moderate amount of moisture. This means that if you’re in a rainy area, even carpet-type floor mats will protect the floor of your Tesla.

That being said, if you live in an area that has a lot of falling leaves, snowy winters, or muddy environments, then you may want an all-weather product.

What materials can you find Tesla floor mats made from?

There are several aftermarket floor mats that are designed with the Model S in mind. Some of these brands use Velourtex, which is a type of material that mimics the luxury feel of carpet but has a very durable construction. These Velourtex mats will protect your carpet similarly to all-weather mats by seamlessly blending weather protection with an upscale aesthetic.

Outside of Velourtex, you can find mats for your Tesla Model S that are made from a wide variety of materials, including polyester, rubber, nylon, and Rubberite.

Do mats protect other parts of the Model S?

Not only are there mat options for the floor of your Model S, but there are also mats available that will protect the inside of your trunk. If you carry things that can spill inside of your Model S’s trunk, like groceries, this is a consideration that could be advantageous.