DigiTech Guitar Effects Pedals

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DigiTech Guitar Effects

DigiTech Guitar Effects makes a range of guitar multi-effects pedals, stompbox effects pedals, and other sound processor-related gear from its headquarters in Utah. They originally started as DOD back in the 1970s. They are currently owned by Harman Group.

What kinds of guitar effects pedals does DigiTech offer?

Guitar effects are available in individual pedal and multi-effects processor-unit formats. Their catalog also lists some unique pedals based on intuitive analysis for the creation of “band in a box” bass and drums accompaniment for songwriter demos and solo practice. Their current individual pedal effects are grouped as follows:

  • Overdrive and distortion - Its first stompbox, the DOD 250 OD, is still in production. These units are all listed under the DOD label - Looking Glass OD, Gunslinger Distortion, Bifet Boost 410, Carcosa Fuzz, and Boneshaker Distortion.
  • Modulation - Nautila Chorus/Flanger, Ventura Vibe, Mosaic (12-string simulator), and a reissue of the DOD Phasor 201.
  • Delay, reverb, and loopers - DOD Rubberneck analog delay, which includes analog bucket brigade chips but also has tap-tempo feature, is one offering.

The JamMan series of loopers was among the first in the industry to offer extremely long loop-time availability and memory storage, and these loopers are still favored by many guitar players. JamMans use SDM cards for expandable memory.

  • Band creator pedals - The DigiTech Trio pioneered the “band in a box” effects pedal with intuitive software that can sense the chord changes of a song and offer bass and drum choices for self-accompaniment that can be used for practice, demos, or even live performance. DigiTech also has the Trio +, which includes a looper and wider selection of rhythm section choices, and SDrums, which offers user-programmable drums triggered by guitar playing.

The remaining pedal offerings include reissues of DOD classics and a mini-synth pedal named Dirty Robot.

What guitar multi-effects units does DigiTech make?

The Multi-Effects Processor has been produced by DigiTech since the 1980s, putting a wide array of different effects with programmability into a single effects pedal with memory to emulate the complex rack-mounted guitar-effects units popular at the time. The RP100 included drum patterns and stereo headphone outs for practice and memory banks to store programs.

The current DigiTech Multi-Effects pedal catalog includes:

  • RP55 - the current version of the original RP100
  • RP500 and RP1000 - both available with added options
  • Element and Element XP - compact units with a power supply
  • RP360 and RP360 XP - guitar multi-effects with USB streaming
  • BP90 and BP355 - a multi-effects pedal for bassists
  • Live Harmony - pedal designed for singers