Anéis de Diamante

Getting the Diamond Ring You Deserve

Choosing a diamond ring is a critical task, whether you're choosing one for an engagement ring or you're getting a special ring for yourself. There are, however, a few things you should think about before making the plunge, so check out the tips below before you set out to make your purchase on eBay.

What should you consider when buying diamonds for rings?

When buying a diamond for a ring, you want it to sparkle as much as possible. To that end, consider the following when making your purchase on eBay.

  • Cut: The cut is critical because how a diamond is cut will determine how much it sparkles, so make sure you choose a stone with as good a cut as possible.
  • Clarity: The clarity of the diamond means how clear it is, so pick a diamond with as few inclusions as possible.
  • Color: The color grade of a diamond will let you know how close to white it is.
  • Carat: A diamond's carat amount refers to how much it weighs, so keep that in mind when making your selection.
How do you determine what size ring to get?

Go to a jeweler to get your ring finger sized to determine what size ring to purchase. If the ring is for someone else and you want it to be a surprise, sneak away one of their rings to have it sized. You could also press it into a bar of soap to make an impression. If you have a general idea of size, go a size up. It's much easier for a jeweler to size an existing ring down than to size one up.

There are many different settings

If you're unclear which setting to go with for your ring, be aware that there are many different types of settings. A simple solitaire setting has no side stones, which is perfect for someone who doesn't like a fuss, while an eternity band features a ring of tiny diamonds encircled, which is perfect for someone who wants a lot of bling around their finger.

Which pre-owned diamond cut sparkles the most?

The diamond cut that sparkles the most is the round cut due to the number of facets that it has. So, if you're looking for stones that have maximum sparkle, choose cuts like the round one. If you are more interested in stones that have more flash than a twinkle, consider cuts like the emerald, which have fewer facets.