Astra Militarum Warhammer 40K Miniatures

Astra Militarum Warhammer 40K Miniatures

Warhammer is a tabletop miniatures game by Games Workshop, and Warhammer 40K is a grim sci-fi adaptation of it. There are numerous factions, each with their own armies. In the universe of Warhammer 40K, the bulk of the Imperium's army comes in the form of the Astra Militarum Warhammer 40K miniatures, also known as the Imperial Guard.

What should you consider when purchasing Astra Militarum models?

Whether you're trying to build an effective fighting force or you simply like collecting miniatures, there are a few factors that you'll want to take into account when you're considering a purchase.

  • Pre-painted models: When purchasing Militarum miniatures, it's important to think about whether you're looking for pre-painted models or if you'd like to paint them yourself. If you enjoy decorating miniatures, you might want to look for unpainted miniatures. If you aren't too keen on painting, but still want your Imperial Guard regiment to look like they're prepared for battle, then pre-painted miniatures may be a suitable choice.
  • Regiment: When you're building an army, there are few choices as important as your regiment. There are numerous regiments, from the Cadian Shock Troopers to the Death Corps of Krieg. Each regiment has their strengths and weaknesses as well as their unique style and finding a regiment that complements your strategies can be important.
What kinds of units are available?

Standard guardsmen may make up the bulk of many armies, but an effective and balanced army is made from a wide array of different unit types. If you're planning to specialize or if you just want to round out your forces, then special units can be a valuable asset.

  • Vehicles: Armored units are larger and bulkier than your standard infantry units. Vehicles play a large part in the dark future of the Warhammer 40K universe as well as an important aspect of the Imperial Guard. They serve a wide variety of purposes, from the long-range support of the Basilisk to the front-line power of the Leman Russ.
  • Commissars: The commissar is one of the most useful units in the Astra Militarum arsenal. They're especially valuable with larger forces where they can keep your other units from retreating after taking losses. Unlike Space Marines, the Imperial Guard rely more heavily on the leadership stat and are more vulnerable to fear. The commissar mitigates fear and provides a significant bonus to leadership, making them invaluable for larger forces.
  • Tempestus Scions: These units are purpose-built for specialist attacks. They're fragile, but a small squad of them can be adequate, and quickly take down larger enemy units. Scions are far more specialized than standard guardsmen, and their combat abilities reflect this, making them more effective in surgical strikes to another army's rear flank than on the front lines.
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